Thursday, April 8, 2010

Kaleidoscope Book Review

Wait, before you decide that you aren't going to read this book review post, just wait! Do you happen to know an ordinary everyday woman who could use a little uplifting from time to time? Or do you know a woman who is always seeking opportunities to grow and stretch herself (think about brain and heart here...not the gym)? Well, now...keep reading...

I received a free copy of Kaleidoscope by Patsy Clairmont as part of the site. If you are interested in learning more about booksneeze, let me know and I can explain it. Anyway, back to the review...

I have always loved the book of Proverbs. However, I have also always been overwhelmed with the book of Proverbs. Kaleidescope has helped me learn to take one proverb (or one chapter of Proverbs) at a time. Patsy uses her everyday life experiences and applies the book of Proverbs in a way that leaves everyone knowing that we all struggled, we all have room for growth, and that even one of the most riddled books of the Bible can offer us guidance. I loved Patsy's humor so much that I even made my husband listen as I read him a chapter she wrote. It was the one that referenced her purse and all the bamillion things that were in her purse...yeah, really, even your purse and its contents can be tied to the book of Proverbs! Want to know more? You will need to pick up a copy of this book and trust me when I say you will want your own copy...the questions at the end of each chapter will leave you writing comments to yourself in the pages of the book, underlining key points that glare out at you from the pages, and knowing that you will always be able to garner something new from this book.

1 comment:

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Will give this book a try! I love the author! C