Sunday, August 24, 2008

Weekend life...

Well, here is a quick update on a few things...

  • Kale discovered his temper and immediately figured out how to lose it. Well, he already knew about it, but this weekend it seems that he learned how to lose his temper AND throw a fit about it. I have NO IDEA where he got that from...
  • Kale bites. I know, he only has two teeth. However, he can bite...he gets part of your skin in his mouth and clamps down with two teeth and the strongest upper gum you have ever known. We have thought for a while that he was going to be a biter...he loves to shove things in his mouth and clamp down...all the more so now that he has two teeth. Oh, the fun ahead! By the way, he didn't bruise me but he did bite me hard enough on Friday night to make my jaw bone (what he bit) sore for two days so far.
  • My wedding ring is still did not magically fix itself over night. Ugh. The reality of it hit me today. It just slowly sunk in...and at times I struggle with being so materialistic about it. I waited what felt like FOREVER for a wedding ring. I LOVED that ring and what it stood for...and now it is broken. At least what it stood for is still in place...that means more to me than the ring. Oh, but I also loved my beautiful ring and I know my husband was so proud of was I. It still makes me sick to think about when it broke. I guess there are three different avenues now....either the store I was in will take responsibility and replace/fix it OR maybe we can file a home owner's insurance claim OR maybe the orginal designer will step up to the plate and fix/replace it. I really doubt the designer will do that at this point...I called them immediately after getting home on Friday and thier response was that I could send it to them to find out if they could repair it (I am sure, at our expense) and if they can't then I would just have to buy a new ring. So, I am taking it tomorrow to a couple of reputable jewelry stores tomorrow...and we will see what they say. No way am I just going to box it up and send it to California so they can determine if they can fix it before I get some opinions on the local front.

Ok...I just got invaded by "Mr I Want to Crawl or Walk but Haven't Quite Figured Out How to do Either".....

He has this to say....... k erumo n t4 fd54etuoii[ilutwedse3 46uykbnjkluyktyrtwewrcvuyvuyvbuiuuuyuyuyuyuyuUIIHTFTYYTYTRG

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