Monday, January 4, 2010

Seriously, it was NOT ME!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Well, lets just get right to the point...

It was Not Me who stayed in her pajamas all day yesterday, including when I made a quick trip around the corner to the local store to buy some extra papers.

It was Not Me who went sans bra for that above mentioned endeavor either!

It was Not Me who ventured out in the cold to buy several extra papers because I am addicted to using/trading coupons and there were some GREAT coupons in the paper!

It was Not Me who did a happy dance in the bed this morning that would make any school age kid proud after I realized that work was cancelled today because of snow.

It also was Not Me who went outside on the deck for a few minutes this morning in only my pajamas while also toting along my 2 year old in only his pajamas, just so we could holler (nice stuff) at the neighbor girls about the snow. However, it was me that giggled with my son when the flakes were hitting us gently on the face.

It was Not Me who forgot to give our son one of his Christmas presents and finally realized the mistake this morning. It was me who promptly gave him the gift and helped him learn all the ways to make it work.

It was Not Me who wanted to kick my husband out of the house when he got a little stir crazy over the weekend.

It really was Not Me who cleaned the bathroom over the weekend using a cleaner that demands using a vented fan (which we don't have) or opening a window while it was less than 38 degrees outside.

Thus, it also was Not Me who turned our bathroom and bedroom into a freezer. (at least it was clean!)

And, um, errr, it also was Not Me who forgot to pick up the one item my husband requested from the store. It also was Not Me who knew I should have gone to get that item as soon as he called to request it because I knew I would forget to walk across the store for it later.

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